Our Leadership Perspective Blog

Thunderstorm while the sun is shining

Confusion: Trap or Transformation?

by Katherine Tyler Scott

Medical research indicates mixed messages heighten anxiety and confusion in patients. In addition to the patient, the family or support system should also be treated. Systems and teams are no different. Confusion is normal during change. If a leader injects conflicting messages, the systems becomes trapped and preempted from transformation.

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Change Management, change, leadership, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development, Leading Change

Reflections: The 11th Annual ILA Global Conference. Prague, 2009

by Katherine Tyler Scott

As with any major crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is disorienting. One way to deal with this is to examine what is important. My remarks from the 2009 International Leadership Association (ILA) Annual Conference were given during a time in which that Country was remembering its “Velvet Revolution,” a time that called forth courage, spirit and boldness, qualities so needed now.

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Adaptive Leadership, Change Management, Leading Change, change, Crisis, International Leadership Association (ILA)